Monday, August 24, 2009

Oblong Offers Deep Discount on My Book to Fairgoers

For anyone who hasn't wandered through either of its homey stores—one in Rhinebeck and the original in MillertonOblong Books & Music is a local treasure. Time will disappear as you comb through recommended novels, art books and books featuring the local area. Their music collection is simply outstanding. If you're looking for hard-to-find blues or folk recordings, Oblong is the place to be.

I jumped at their invitation to sign books at their booth at this year's fair. AND they're selling the book to fairgoers for only $9.99, down nearly 40% from its normal $15.95 price tag. Find me in Building A on Saturday from 3pm to 5pm and I'll sign your copy!

Please pass the word about this special opportunity to anyone who might be interested. Remember, this book makes a great gift to parents and grandparents with long memories of the fair.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

American Youth: Images of the Obama Generation

Been so busy working, decided I needed some inspiration, so I went to the Fovea Gallery in Beacon Friday afternoon. An impressive group of photographers from every genre—portrait to documentary—was assembled to take part in pictorializing the lives of today's 18-24 year olds. I was drawn in by this powerful cover image from the book by Erika Larsen and wasn't disappointed when I got there.

The images were mounted very simply on thin board with brief captions. Young debutantes at the Plaza Hotel in New York in their virgin white gowns. A lusty lesbian couple embracing legs and hearts entwined. The boots of a never-to-return Iraqi soldier sitting inside the front hall. A series of portraits posed with their messages to god—Can you hear me? What the F#@k were you thinking!? A Palestinian-American woman sips the sunlight through a forest of trees in an Ohio park. Go-go boot-clad Seattle Seahawk Sea Gal cheerleaders in their tanned muscles and exploding bustier tops.

Also going on right now is a Windows on Main Street show. A couple dozen storefronts have been turned into gallery space. A perfect 1-mile stroll winds you up at a mural exhibit public art display on the side of an old factory building. So, spend an afternoon in Beacon! Find the Fovea Gallery at 143 Main Street/

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Hudson Valley Art Studio Views Tour Labor Day Weekend

Are you staying home this Labor Day and looking for cool stuff to do? The annual Art Studio Views Tour will be Saturday and Sunday September 5 & 6 from 11am to 5pm. I’m stop #1 (sometimes it pays to have a last name that begins with ‘A’!). Come on by and see what photography I’ve been up to. There are 22 other talented artists on the tour, so make sure to leave time to visit other studios. You can download a map and artist details at to plan your route. My friend and fellow Hudson Valley 7 member, Joanne Klein lives just around the corner from me.

I’m going to have all kinds of photographs for sale—Dutchess County Fair, Cowgirls, Truths, Lies and Legends, New York City, Ominous Skies and more. I’ve got to clean out the barn so prices will be discounted at least 50%.

As an extra bonus, I designed the ASV brand this year—from logo to website to brochure and more. So when you go the ASV website, know that it was a Full Deck Design project. I can’t wait to see the logo plastered all over Northern Dutchess!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Fair Photos at Barnes & Noble

The Dutchess County Fair runs from August 25-30 this year. I’ll be giving a slide show with my latest fair photos as well as some historic ones at the Kingston Barnes & Noble on Sunday, August 23rd at 3:00pm. I’m always interested in meeting people with fair stories, so please pass the word to everyone who might have one to share with me. Of course, I’ll be signing copies of my book The Dutchess County Fair: Portrait of an American Tradition (Black Dome Press, 2007).

It’s also a great opportunity to see the images from my Truths, Lies and Legends collection that are hanging in the cafĂ©. I’d LOVE to talk about that.

So, come out on the 23rd, we’ve got lots to talk about!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Advance Your Artist Website: Hire a Professional Web Designer

If you’d like to be a successful artist, you should be making art, not hassling with website design and maintenance. Professionally designed and managed sites are an investment in your craft that when done well will pay off in recognition and possibly sales. As my regular blog readers know, I’ve just launched Full Deck Design, a firm specializing in designing and deploying eMedia. I’m about to meet with a couple of artists interested in creating websites and thought it was the perfect opportunity to outline how to prepare for working with a professional web designer.

Tips on Preparing for an Artist Website
1. Website Purpose. Will this be a place dedicated to selling fine art? Or do you just need an online portfolio? Have people hire you for custom work? Advertise your classes/workshops? Or do you have another goal?
2. Determine How You’ll Measure Site Success. Sales? Number of visitors to the site? Exhibit opportunities? Gallery signings?
3. Design Guidelines. Decide who will design the look of your site. If you already know how you’d like the site to look, tell the designer right away. It may save you some money. Bring a sketch outlining any special features, fonts, colors. Print samples of sites you like and what you like about them.
4. Clear Communication. Make sure you choose a web specialist that you’re comfortable with. Don’t be afraid to ask a lot of questions. What is very familiar to them may be Greek to you.
5. Functionality. Do you want to include a link to subscribe to your blog or eNewsletter? Include an animation? Have fancy navigation or portfolio features? Include a shopping cart? Be compatible with handheld devices?
6. Decide on a Budget. Be honest about what you can afford to spend. Your budget may limit the functionality features, but better to set the parameters before the clock starts ticking.
7. Domain Name. Contrary to what some web hosts would have you believe, you can purchase a domain name easily and directly from many places online. I use I know many people who let their web host purchase a domain name for them who subsequently wouldn’t give them their own domain account information when they wanted to switch host companies. So be careful!
8. Site Map. Most artist web sites focus on the portfolio but may also include press/news, bio, artist’s statement, gallery affiliations, class/workshop schedule, store and contact pages.
9. Content. Gather information for each site page. Try to include appealing visuals for text-based pages—a head shot for the bio page, a video of you creating your art for the home page, press clippings for the press page, etc.
10. Quality Imagery. Your art MUST look beautiful. Invest in high quality, high resolution image files. If you’re a photographer, consider digitally watermarking images or preventing image downloads with code.
11. Affiliations. If you’re a member of an arts organization or other professional organization that could reinforce your credentials, have them send you a logo to include on the site. If you’re involved with Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter or any other networking site, you might consider including links to them as well.
12. Search Engine Optimization. Do you want people to find you easily via search engines? See my earlier blog explaining this further.
13. Timeline. When do you want your site to go live? Is there a special event in the future?
14. Web Host. After the site is complete, you will need your user name and password to upload the final files.
15. Ongoing Maintenance. Who will be responsible for updating content? Discuss options with the designer that might allow you to handle after the initial setup.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Insider's Look: Jumper

My Photo Stories
Swimming in the crystal-clear lake was strictly forbidden, but after a 5-mile run Anna didn’t care.
After losing his job and then his wife all in one day, Alexander wondered if a belly flop off the 60-foot drop would put him out of his misery.
Upon awakening from a sun nap on the warm October rocks, Sally saw the line of fire ants marching into her shirt.
Or…what are your story ideas?

Behind the Photo
The water in the lake at Minnewaska State Park is crystal clear. Some strange chemical combination prevents any life from enjoying its beauty. Once, I took a photograph half below the water here and half above for the cover of a publication printed by the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies.

Be the first to buy a Jumper print and get a 50% discount on the size of your choice. This is my August 2009 home page photo, part of my Truths, Lies and Legends collection.