Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Is Selling Art for $20 a Good Idea?

Times are tough for everyone, but artists get hit first. I’ve been hearing from many that nothing is selling in the Hudson Valley area. What do you do to compensate?

One idea might be to try selling online. I don’t know anyone who’s doing this successfully, but did come across one online gallery that is selling like gangbusters: Jen Bekman’s They release a limited edition print every Tuesday and Wednesday. Buyers have a choice of buying one of 200 small prints for $20, one of 20 medium-sized prints for $200 or one of two large prints for $2000. Many times all prints are sold within a day, one sold out in a matter of minutes. When you add all that up, the numbers get interesting.

Jen Bekman started out with a gallery on the lower east side of New York City a few years ago. Her mission to introduce emerging artists to (new) collectors exploded with the 20x200 web site. Let me know if you sign on. I want a full report.

1 comment:

  1. For me, the answer is not so simple. When you buy a $20 print out of 200, the artist work/vision could be seen as not valuable. The artist may never be able to command more money.

    I think that an artist has to be careful about undervaluing their work.

    My 2 cents.

