Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Obama Inspires Me

Yesterday I was proud to be an American. The world was watching and we didn’t disappoint. We showed that we can stand together despite our differences, graciously. His words glittered in the crisp January air and inspired millions including me. Never thought I’d quote Beyonce, but perhaps she expressed the exuberance of the younger generation best when she said, “He makes me want to be smarter; to be more involved.” Words to me that predict our dark days will pass, that our great nation is on the rise again. Good luck Mr. President.


  1. this is a wondrful shot...I imagine that we will all move forward remebering exactly where we were on this most auspicious day.
    I agree with you too on the Beyonce quote...a remarkable time...may we rise up to meet the opportunity.

  2. it is a great photo. if we can just keep rush limbaugh away from a mic, we'll be ok.
